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Who We Are

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We Are ASA

Founded in 2011, ASA is a team of highly credentialed professionals offering strategic, operational, accounting, tax & regulatory advisory and assistance for organisations across a range of industries.

We are one of the leading providers of financial, business and operations advisory solutions to the industry, across all stages and domains in a corporate timeline. Our focus is on providing tailor-made solutions to mid & large size organizations. Our firm rests on its strong and professional leadership, research-driven approach along with an in‐depth understanding of key business drivers and expert domain knowledge, making us innovative advisors for you.

With a business built on strong relationships and uncompromising ethical standards, our aim is to create significant value by engaging with our clients at an early stage of ideation and partnering all the way, in order to execute the right growth strategies.

We have a team of dedicated, experienced and highly qualified professionals who have worked for a wide range of clients across geographies. Our team members come with diverse educational backgrounds including Chartered Accountants, CPAs, MBAs, Lawyers, Engineers and Architects.

We have a strong presence in India with offices in the 3 major cities of Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru.

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